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Sunday, May 01, 2005

every saturday party seems to be the only one happening in karachi, and unfortunately that means running into the "yuppie" crowd from the social pages. my biggest fear is that i'll accidently be included in the social pages pictures, and then either be labelled "[insert not so famous name here] and guest" (the "and guest" being me). "and guest" is the biggest insult possible, its like saying "yes we have no idea why this weirdo is in the pic, but we can't cut him/her out, and so we're just going to label him/her as the faceless non entity that they are". or even worse, i'll be in the background (so i literally won't even come into the picture) but my absolutely straight unspiked drink in my hand would gain all sorts of sinister connotations when viewed by all and sundry relatives and housewives poring over the Pages every Sunday.
they've been trying to set me up with S since New Years. from Z (at one end of my acquaintanceship spectrum), to M of my college buddy days. Z and M don't even know each other, but they both mutually think this dude is "it" for me (whatever). i've been avoiding him entirely, because any decision i make will jepordize my friendship with either one of these girls, and i really don't want to bother.

usually getting dressed gets me in the party mood. I love it, I love my scanty party tops, I love wearing high high heels, I love putting on make up. The more naked the top, the sexier I feel. Its my one way of showing the finger to society, it’s the one way I can break social convention and toss away my full sleeved shalloo work clothes and still not fuck up my lungs or screw my liver.
i was wearing a backless shirt today, and it was shiny and silver. When I first bought it, I tried it on and modelled it in my room every day for a week (it’s SUCH a fun top). Was having an ok-yet-slightly-bored time, S my apparent soul mate was one of the organizers and so was pretty much stuck on bouncer duty (the WHOLE night). T and M wanted to leave early, so MAA volunteered to do driver duty. Except instead of dropping me home (I was last) he kidnapped me, and took me back to the party, and refused to leave until he had danced his high away. And even then, when we were sweaty and exhausted, some idiot handed him a cigar and so I had to sit with him while he smoked it. I was thoroughly entertained by the sheer numbers of pathetic people lining the driveway, wrestling to get in. occasionally some drunk moron locked outside would run screaming through the crowd and toss himself over the gate, or the wall, and then S and his buddies would all intently chase him down and toss the poor sucker right back out on wounded dignity.

We were finally ready to leave (well I was at any rate, forced him to drop me home), and we were leaving, and passed poor S battling back the sea of humanity trying to roll into the vacuum we left. I paused to give him a “oh poor you, don’t envy your job, good luck”, and I can’t begin to describe the look on the poor guy’s face. I don’t even think he heard what I was saying, he just looked at me, with this crap-I-HATE-this-I-wish-I-was-with-you look. I didn’t know whether to laugh or not, so I just said good luck again. Even when MAA behind me came up and thumped his shoulder, wished him luck, and shook his hand goodbye, he was still looking at me. I walked through the driveway (MAA’s sheer size creating a wake I was following), I sneaked a look behind, and some guard was shaking S's arm trying to say something to him, but S was still just standing there, a little dumbstruck, still looking.
it was a little strange actually. I don’t know what to make of it. does he or doesn't he?


Phitaymaun said...

Its the slightly naked, backless top lady. Any non Gay-man wud stare and be dumb struck etc, especially if one can pull it off right.
You did.
Or maybe it was showing more than it shud've been :s dancing can do strange things to skimpy tops stretched across the female anatomy.
Or maybe i'm just projecting.

discopapaya said...

He SO does.

BaptizedLucifer said...

LooooL @ beknighted.

BaptizedLucifer said...

nf - haha he was just pissed that he didnt get the dance. :P more like, he couldn't believe you actually CAME and then there you were leaving in front of his eyes and he couldn't do anything! hahaha!

BaptizedLucifer said...

i was once asked to be a bouncer. LOL. i think they were making fun of me :-|

naked feet said...

looks like someone else here likes their anonymity

her anon: whats your point again?

and my scar wasn't visible at that point in time :P