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Monday, July 18, 2005


why isn't anyone looking into why the bombings happened?
when people have their country destroyed, when people have their families and their lives destroyed by foreign forces, who will they blame? how many terrorists did the devastation in iraq and afghanistan make? how many terrorists from palestine and bosnia are there? when you take everything from an entire nation, what gets left behind?

i hope the british have more evidence than they're letting on. reading the articles it really feels like they just picked a group of four random islamic mullahs and decided to pin in it on them. the only thing they seem to be basing their entire hypothesis on currently is on cctv footage of four guys with bagpacks (woooo terrifying) and that those four guys visited pakistan in 2004 (thats it then! they must be the ones! what are the odds!?).

how will the west get rid of al quaeda? the more people they destroy the more will come and take their place, till the world stands in the ashes of charred nations and smoking guns. how about funding education programs in developing countries? how about "aiding" by not making the guns and bombs the wrong side ends up using?

"with great power comes great responsibility peter"
its sad that even comic book writers know the basic things the leaders of the free world don't


Phitaymaun said...

oh they realize it allright, but to them responsibility means exploiting and ravaging that which they have power over. i guess Stan Lee shud've been more specific.

Ent said...

good post.
sooner or later, they will HAVE to realize that no one is safe unless everyone is safe. The entire realist paradigm proposing clinical self-interest, statehood and an amoral state HAVE to go for something higher, more compassionate.
Either that, or they can figure out how to protect every gora on the world from a suicide bomber.


G said...

lol. saying stuff like this could get me deported. but it is the truth.

G said...

just muttering said...

sigh* ... theyr all fucking jackasses! im blue in the face w/ the thought that something this big has hapened and they handpick these 4 guys to pin it on...dont offer any real reasons why they suspect them other then the "bagpacks (woooo terrifying)" (exactly!!) ....and the world sits back and accepts it! seriously what the fuck!?!?!
im not saying whether or not they did it ...but how can you go tell someones family AND the entire world that "we think this this and this guy did it" w/o offering ANY real explanations as to why tehy think so0o WHATSOEVER!!!!

fucking selfish the world has become! selfish and stupid!!! QUESTION DAYMNIT!

blindside the goldfish said...

i agree with all of you completely. but consider this. how many of us actually go back and lend a hand in 'funding education plans' in pakistan or even spend on our own communities? I agree with power you have to be responsible but think about it, if Pakistan was the superpower of the world as opposed to the US do you think we would be fair and responsible?! Can you even begin to imagine how we would fuck around with India for instance? Basically anyone perched at the top is always paranoid and will do anything to stay at the top. We need to strengthen our countries from within so we can resist being violated repeatedley with such impunity. I've gone to school with the people who I know will be tomrrows Bhutto's and Sharifs. We are the one's who can make a difference. Yes the goras are assholes, let's get over that fact and see what we can do to protect ourselves. Let's make it so that our situation isn't so pathetic that a mullah somewhere is able to convince a group of kids the same age as us that our only salvation lies in them blowing themselves up.

naked feet said...

i blame the education system entirely. for one, there ISN'T one.
that means 88% of 154 MILLION cannot read, cannot write, and have no CONCEPT of any kind of abstract thought. unless you have interacted with them (i have) you have NO idea HOW bad and utterly overwhelmingly depressing that REALLY is. the majority live their lives without ANY idea of right, wrong, or independant thought.

the few from the three Cities who manage to go to 'english medium' schools get bred with one thought alone: that "abroad" is better, pakistan sucks, and their sole aim in life is to leave in any way imaginable. they too live their lives without ANY idea of right, wrong, or independant thought.

i have yet to to meet someone who doesn't fall into the above two categories.

naked feet said...

mr. goldfish:
the main problem is that no one "comes back", let alone comes back to fund education plans.

i'm working in karachi in a pretty progressive company that employs the "cream". the idoiocy i see on a daily basis, the lack of any thought, the lack of right, the lack of wrong, the lack of any abstract concept that i face on a daily basis just frightens me because if this is what the best of the best are like, what the HELL is every other person like?

where do you begin? HOW do you strengthen something that has NO IDEA that it needs to be strengthened, that has no inclination to WANT to be strengthened?

and btw the bhuttos and the sharifs raped and pillaged this country. musharaf has had three assassination attempts from the 'masses', and absolutely no credibility with the power brokers of the elite either.
who's left?

and no where do i say goras are assholes. i don't believe that from anywhere. they are superior in every way because we are really no better than vermin as a nation, and we'll pretty much stay vermin till we exterminate ourselves with our own lifestyles.

blindside the goldfish said...

well calm down first of all. when i said 'bhuttos and sharifs' i meant tomorrows leaders with the hope that they too wouldnt rape our country. but honestly if as a nation we are 'vermin' there really isn't any point to this conversation now is there?

demoncrat said...

its all a game baby! Its called DISTRACTIONs - DECOY! wreak havoc and mischief in the world to keep every one occupied while THEY make more money and gain more power.