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Tuesday, April 26, 2005


I’m obsessed. I’ve started thinking in paragraphs.I need to stop. I need to sleep.

I have another reason fueling my sociopath-ism. I had a pretty good day today, was all happy, well fed, smugly exercised, was looking forward to the book I had gotten sucked into. my kid brother gets online, and I’m looking forward to talking to him.
then T calls.
to go any further I need to give a little background on T. first off, she has this really SHRILL voice. its like she's permanently on helium. second, she’s a megalomaniac. she only talks to me to have a person on the other end of the phone. I tried having a conversation with her once, and she thought I was picking a fight with her. as long as I make the requisite hums and haws and yeses (hoping she just shuts the hell up and finally leaves me alone), get her invites and chauffer her to social occasions with MY friends, our relationship miraculously stays on good terms. third, she's genuinely stupid. she's one of those people really medium high on text book learning, but doesn't have an ounce of sense otherwise. she's one of those people who is the WORST combination of stupidity and gigantic disproportionate ego. but since she has my phone number and knows where I live, I’m nice to her because I’m a non confrontational type of person. plus I’m generally tolerant of people's flaws, because eventually she's not a nasty person. that goes a long way with me.

she vomits out her entire day. like literally she says: "I woke up at 7:45. I said, OH MY GOD I’m late for my meeting... I got dressed.. I drove to work.. I was ten minutes late for the Monday morning meeting.. I was carrying folders.. I put the folders on the table and everyone looked at me...." (I’m not kidding) and she goes on and on and ON about her day and her job and her work buddies, and I hem and haw at the appropriate moments in good humor because hell, I’m in a good mood why not.
then after wasting a good amount of my time (I am NOT a phone person, anyone who cares to know me knows that.. in six years she hasn't bothered to find out... or she knows and doesn't care.. ), she's FINALLY down to nine thirty and she's finally leaving work and driving back exhausted (yeah.. SHE was exhausted.. ), and then she suddenly changes the topic so fast I kept hemming and hawing till I realized she had actually spoken a statement and required my response.
T: "I’m really pissed off at you for leaving early from my dinner"
me: "hmm"
after a pause
me: "oh. but O had to drop me home. everyone was leaving" (I’m totally confused here, because FOUR of us left together, and we were the last fuckers to leave the damn place, and umM WHY is this an issue!?)
T: "I’m not pissed off at them. actually I am. but I’m more pissed off at you. why did YOU leave. you should have..." (and she continues her monologue of my flaws)

speechless, I continue to hem and haw out of habit, but then get a little annoyed and tell her that my brother has been waiting for me come online for ages now, and I have to leave. And I mentally shake my head, because now by hanging up on her I just gave her fodder to not talk to me, then bitch me out to our mutual friends, then make a bitchy phone call to me demanding an apology a painful long drawn out process map later. this will haunt me for the rest of the fucking week.

My god. the more I expand my social circle, the more I remember why I was such a snob about hanging out with only my friends in the first place.

And I’m still a little speechless. why do women as a species have so many danda’s up their asses?


Ent said...

heh yup. Top Gun. Not the bike scene. I think it was the end. The tomcat taking off with its orange-purple afterburner on full throttle. Gaawd that is a beautiful aircraft. sigh..

Arooj the Ta'veren? Don't tell me you're a Wheel of Time fan too! aala!

ps - interesting change in my link on your blog.

Ent said...

yeah. very maternal. Someone told me by the time i graduated, they would be the only real friends i would have. He was right, except they died a year before I was done. Sigh.

don't mess with Top Gun! Not even jokingly! I STILL have it on my hard disk!

Link doesn't bother me at all. Love it. Keep it. Some truth in it.


Ent said...

so WoT fan?

Phitaymaun said...

yeah this seems to be an irritating habit restricted to women and womanly men only.
And everyone seems to know some one like T. Maybe we are all like her but just don't realize that... nae scary thought. Scratch that.

Majaz said...


Thinking in paragraphs and insomnia.

I know that world.