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Monday, April 18, 2005

the nutcracker

raw beauty. haunting. grace. power. perfection.
twisting and contorting bodies in positions that should look unnatural, but make your breath become shallower and your heart pound as you sit at the edge of your seat because you can FEEL because you can IMAGINE because you can LEAP right along side him IGNORE the embarassing tights into a grande plie and arabesque.

how long has it been? petit jette, grande bantmound, bantmound taundue, change moun, jete. arms in third, feet in first, thumbs tucked in, back straight!, BEND, SHOW JUST ONE EMOTION with your body, just one!, Two Four beat, on the count of four, take it till eight, HOLD, back again to starting position in eight. bend and POINT. hours and hours in different levels and shades of insinuation.
just one emotion. exhilaration.
just one emotion. happiness.
just one emotion. awe.
just one emotion. suffocating nostalgia, tensed adult muscles, confusion at forgotten dreams, childlike yearning, black and white spliced to grey.

my god. its been too long.

1 comment:

Phitaymaun said...

Yes well as soon as i cna find some ranch dressing to go with the turban, i shall comply.
Btw, how did u figure iw as an aitchisonian???